Next Day Appointment
At Vesterbro Lægehus appointments can be made using our online services. It is not possible to make appointments by phone. We offer Next-Day Appointments. This way you book an appointment for the following day or in other words the day before your desired visit.
Every weekday at 2pm we release available time slots for you to book. Available time slots for Monday will be released Sunday at 00.01am. Time slots are booked first come - first served, so we recommend that you log on to our online services precisely at 2am.
Use Our Online Services
To make an appointment, we recommend that you use the app Min Læge (My Doctor). It is also possible to book appointments online via our self-service system Selvbetjening (green box on your right) as well as contact your GP or the clinic, keep track of appointments, renew prescriptions and much more.
You can get in touch with your GP by e-mail. Use the online system to write short messages/questions and attach a photo (expect a five day response time) or book a video consultation using your mobile device. Remember to book an appointment beforehand.
If you wish to book a specific GP go to Tilstedeværende læger (Available GPs) on our webpage. Here you will find a weekly schedule of the different GPs available consultation days.
How to Book an Appointment Online
Log on to our self-service Selvbetjening or the app Min Læge using your password or MitID (My Digital ID).
- Choose Next-Day appointment from the list under Konsultationstype (Consultation Type).
- Choose a health care professional from the list. You can find your preferred GP's available days in the weekly schedule Tilstedeværende læger (Available GPs).
- Choose next days date by clicking on your preferred date (green índicates available time slots) and you will see all available time slots under ´Tidspunkt’ (time).
- Choose your preferred time slot
- "Angående" (Regarding): Write a brief and precise note of your health issue and the topic of your consultation.
- Press "Bestil tid" (Book appointment) to complete your booking.
Booking an appointment for your child?
Remember to use his or her social security number.
Forgotten your password?
Please contact our nurses to get a new one.
Show Up on Time
It is important that you meet up in time for your appointment. If you are more than 5 minutes late, you will be asked to make a new appointment.
Remember ...
to bring your yellow health card if you have an appointment at the clinic. Scan it on arrival and take a seat in the waiting room.
Book an Appointment with a Nurse
Our nurses are specially trained and highly qualified to carry out independent consultations in close cooperation with our GPs. Any questions or doubts will always be conferred with a GP. Our nurses take care of check-ups and treatment of a wide range of well-known illnesses and medical health issues such as allergies, vaccinations, blood pressure, removing stiches, stop-smoking program, pulmonary function test, pregnancy check-up, annual control for diabetes or COPD etc.
Walk-in Services
Blood samples
You do not need to make an appointment to make a blood sample. In stead you can use our walk-in service every weekday between 8am and 8.30am. You simply show up at our clinic and contact our reception desk. Note: blood samples must be agreed with your GP in advance, so they can be ordered and registered by your GP.
STD Test
Test yourself for chlamydia and gonorrhea at our clinic without making an appointment. You can drop by the clinic any time during opening hours to make a test. Scan your health insurance card and inform the reception desk that you wish to make a test. You will find STD self test kits complete with instructions in all our patient bathrooms.