The Danish Childhood Vaccination Programme

All children in Denmark are offered vaccination against 10 serious and/or infectious diseases under the The Danish Childhood Vaccination Programme. The vaccinations are free of charge and participation is voluntary. You book the vaccinations at your local GP.
Read all about the Danish Childhood Vaccination Programme

What is Medical Helpline 1813​?

​The Medical Helpline 1813 is the emergency line in The Capital Region of Denmark. It is staffed by doctors and nurses who are able to guide you to proper and quick help and assistance when your GP is closed.

You must dial 1813 if you need help outside of your GP's normal hours. Doctors and nurses will advise you about proper treatment. For example, they can refer you to a hospital emergency department or an urgent care center. ​Read more about Medical Helpline 1813

What is 112 Emergency Telephone?

If you need urgent medical assistance with acute life threatening illness or with injury call 112 (Emergency Telephone). Your call is directed to the emergency call centre where you will speak to a healthcare professional such as a nurse or a paramedic. You can call 112 24 hours a day.

The nurse or paramedic will ask you what kind of assistance you need. Based on your description of the situation, they will assess your requirement and, if necessary, send out an emergency ambulance or an emergency doctor’s vehicle.

Psychiatric Admissions

If you or someone you know needs urgent psychiatric help, you can contact one of the Capital Region of Denmark’s eight mental acute psychiatric admissions centres. ​Here you will be met by experienced staff who will assess what kind of treatment you require. You do not need to make an appointment to receive treatment at an acute psychiatric admissions centre.

Children and young people receive specialist psychiatric help at the Children and Young Peoples Mental Health Services Centre acute admissions at Glostrup hospital. For more information on mental health services, adresses, phone numbers and opening hours go to Capital Region of Denmark´s webpage

What is The Yellow Health Insurance Card?

Your yellow health insurance card (sundhedskort in Danish) entitles you to medical treatment in Denmark. The health card shows your name and address, your CPR number and the name and address of your doctor. The card is proof that you can receive medical treatment in Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands. You must bring the health card when you see your doctor. Read more about the health insurance card

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Klinikkens åbningstider

Konsultation Telefontid
Mandag 8.00 – 15.15 8.00 – 10.00
Tirsdag 8.00 – 15.15 8.00 – 10.00
Onsdag 8.00 – 16.15 8.00 – 10.00
Torsdag 8.00 – 15.15 8.00 – 10.00
Fredag 8.00 – 15.15 8.00 – 10.00

Vesterbro Lægehus

Thorvald Bindesbølls Plads 1, st. th.
1799 København V
Tlf: 3325 3328